"It is a very big and crowded place. Historical places are very good. People is very kind and some of them are interesting. But they are always bubbly.The food is very delicious"
"The most interesting and joyful part was being friends with people from four different countries and learn some words in their language"
"The most interesting activity for me was going to the water purification unit"
"Spend time with our new friends by visiting different places in Istanbul and have fun after school by bringing them to places they can have fun with all of their friends from other countries"
"I have really enjoyed being in the comenius project as I got to meet new people. My most interesting activity I did was the boat trip because it was very fun"
"I was home sick but I got over it on the first night"
"I have really liked this comenius project, my favourite trip is when we visited Miniatürk and then went on the boat trip, it was fun!"
"Drinking water purification unit was the most interestng activity because it was the most scary place"