We all are back to our schools and our routine and our wonderful DAYS TOGETHER in Poland seem to be only a ...far dream !!
well, "dream" can be the right word to use... because everytime we meet somewhere, together with our students too, we always share nice moments and nice time together in the name of a real international friendship and peace!
I am sure this is the deepest aim of a Comenius Project : to allow people to meet, sharing time, thoughts, ideas, enthusiasm... improving inside
Our stay in Gniewkowo was excellent and thanks to the Headteacher Elzbieta's and to our Polish colleagues Hania and Asia's work, we succeeded also in visiting some of the most cultural and historical places in Poland, understanding deeply questions related to Polish history, too
Moreover all the school activities and all the families involved in the Project, allowed our students to enjoy a perfect stay in your country
THANKS for what you all did and organized for us:
Lucia Volpe
Activities for the second term: January/April 2010
2nd Term: Topic: Family Environment
1 Students have to prepare a +/ 3 minutes Power Point Presentation. They will be displayed during the visit to Istanbul.
*.- Information about school: -Number of students/teachers
-School subjects
*.- Local community/town: -Information about the town/city the school is located in.
- Inhabitants (origin/immigrants/…)
- Industry?
- Geographical and Historical places, especially those related to water.
II Multilingual dictionary: - Students will prepare 10/15 words or expressions about these topics: Greetings – school – family. During the first mobility to Istanbul, students will start working in a multilingual dictionary.
III Family: - Every student will prepare a personal album about their family: Family tree, important dates for the family, celebrations, birthday, Xmas,… (with pictures)
IV Recycling: - Prepare posters about recycling: Things they can do at school, at home,…
- Survey: We have to prepare a questionnaire about the families and their recycling culture: Do they recycle at home? What do they recycle? Paper, glass,… Are there facilities in their towns/cities for recycling?
V Good wishes cards: -Similar to what we did for Xmas, but this time for Easter, Passover (post them before 9th March.
VI 2nd mobility: Santeramo in colle, 17th to 21st May.