Dear Friends,
Hello !
The flights to Italy were safe and now I am back home
I have nice memories of Turkey, the beautiful landscapes, the
colours, the new delicius food tasted, the places visited.....but,
above all, I am sure you all agree, I have wonderful memories about the
Turkish Hospitality, of what Aylin, Lusy and all their colleague have
done and organized for us..
...and thanks to all the Turkish students and their families, who
have been really involved in this project of friendship, for hosting
our students such in a nice way that they really thought about being
"home" :-)
Moreover, again, as everytime we all meet somowhere, I have nice
memories of YOU ALL, of the time spent together, of all the things
shared together... breathing the usual "air" of friedship among our
...waiting for you here in Italy soon !
Comenius Project. *.- IES Canciller Ayala-Gregorio Marañón (Laudio/The Basque Country). *.- Ulus Ozel Musevi 1. Karma Ana Ve Ilkogretim Okulu (Istanbul/Turkey). *.- Scuola Secondaria di 1º grado "Francesco Netti" (Santeramo In Colle/Italy). *.- Gimnazjum nr 1 im. Ziemi Kujawskiej (Gniewkowo/Poland). *.- The Norton School Humanities College (Stockton-on-Tees/UK).

Welcome Ceremony in ISTANBUL
Our partners in Turkey prepared a nice WELCOME CEREMONY. Students in Ulus Özel Musevi School sang in different languages: English, Turkish, Hebrew, Basque, Italian and Polish.
We want to thank all of them for the work they did learning those songs in our languages
We want to thank all of them for the work they did learning those songs in our languages
Schools' Presentations
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First meeting in the BASQUE COUNTRY September 2009
During the last week of September, 2009, teachers from the different schools that are working together in this Comenius Project, met in Laudio, The Basque Country. We worked hard during 5 days, but there was also time for relaxing and for visiting some nice places, such as the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao, The city of Donostia-San Sebastian and the vineyards of Marques de Riscal in La Rioja Alavesa.
Teachers at Canciller Ayala Institute worked hard to prepare this visit. We hope all our guests enjoyed it, at least as much as we did in their company.
Activities for the second term: January/April 2010
2nd Term: Topic: Family Environment
1 Students have to prepare a +/ 3 minutes Power Point Presentation. They will be displayed during the visit to Istanbul.
*.- Information about school: -Number of students/teachers
-School subjects
*.- Local community/town: -Information about the town/city the school is located in.
- Inhabitants (origin/immigrants/…)
- Industry?
- Geographical and Historical places, especially those related to water.
II Multilingual dictionary: - Students will prepare 10/15 words or expressions about these topics: Greetings – school – family. During the first mobility to Istanbul, students will start working in a multilingual dictionary.
III Family: - Every student will prepare a personal album about their family: Family tree, important dates for the family, celebrations, birthday, Xmas,… (with pictures)
IV Recycling: - Prepare posters about recycling: Things they can do at school, at home,…
- Survey: We have to prepare a questionnaire about the families and their recycling culture: Do they recycle at home? What do they recycle? Paper, glass,… Are there facilities in their towns/cities for recycling?
V Good wishes cards: -Similar to what we did for Xmas, but this time for Easter, Passover (post them before 9th March.
VI 2nd mobility: Santeramo in colle, 17th to 21st May.
1 Students have to prepare a +/ 3 minutes Power Point Presentation. They will be displayed during the visit to Istanbul.
*.- Information about school: -Number of students/teachers
-School subjects
*.- Local community/town: -Information about the town/city the school is located in.
- Inhabitants (origin/immigrants/…)
- Industry?
- Geographical and Historical places, especially those related to water.
II Multilingual dictionary: - Students will prepare 10/15 words or expressions about these topics: Greetings – school – family. During the first mobility to Istanbul, students will start working in a multilingual dictionary.
III Family: - Every student will prepare a personal album about their family: Family tree, important dates for the family, celebrations, birthday, Xmas,… (with pictures)
IV Recycling: - Prepare posters about recycling: Things they can do at school, at home,…
- Survey: We have to prepare a questionnaire about the families and their recycling culture: Do they recycle at home? What do they recycle? Paper, glass,… Are there facilities in their towns/cities for recycling?
V Good wishes cards: -Similar to what we did for Xmas, but this time for Easter, Passover (post them before 9th March.
VI 2nd mobility: Santeramo in colle, 17th to 21st May.
First Mobility with students to Istanbul. Feb 2010
2nd mobility with students:ITALY (Santeramo in Colle) May 2010
3rd Mobility with students: Poland
4th Mobility with Students. The Basque Country
Results of the survey about Family Recycling Culture

Dear friends,
I would like to thank for your kind messages. It's very good to hear that you had good memories about our school and our country. Our students are very pleased to be in this team. They are communicating with your students.
Now it's time to arrange for our second meeting.
All the best,
"ENVIRONMENT-ally plugged in"
MariaSara GIAMPETRUZZI di 3^G,
Maria VISCEGLIA di 3^A e
Gaetano ZEVERINO di 3^M
della SCUOLA Secondaria di 1° Grado "FRANCESCO NETTI" ad ISTANBUL - TURCHIA
La Scuola Secondaria di 1° grado "Francesco NETTI", diretta dalla Dott.ssa Maria A.F. Caponio, nell'ambito del PROGETTO COMENIUS "Environment-ally…plugged in", insieme alle altre Scuole Partner:
•"Norton School Humanities College", GRAN BRETAGNA
•IES Canciller Ayala- Gregorio Maranon, SPAGNA
•"Gimnazjum Ziemi" Gniewkowo, POLONIA
nella settimana dal 20 al 26 febbraio 2010, è stata ospite ad ISTANBUL della scuola turca :
•Ulus Ozel Musevi 1. Karma Ana, TURCHIA
Hanno partecipato alle attività previste dall'incontro di progetto la Preside, Dott.ssa Maria A.F. CAPONIO, le Professoresse di Lingua e Civiltà Inglese, Vera NINNI, Giovanna PASCIUTI e Lucia VOLPE e tre alunni delle classi III,
•MariaSara GIAMPETRUZZI della 3^F
•Maria VISCEGLIA della 3^
•Gaetano ZEVERINO della 3^M
Sorteggiati, in presenza della Preside, dei Docenti di Lingua Inglese e dei rispettivi genitori appositamente convocati a scuola a gennaio 2010, tra gli alunni meritevoli di ciascuna classe III.
Una magnifica esperienza culturale e sociale per i tre alunni della nostra scuola che, insieme a numerosi altri alunni provenienti dalla Gran Bretagna, Polonia e Spagna sono stati ospitati in famiglie ed hanno partecipato a diverse attività scolastiche, culturali e ricreative nell'ambito del Progetto Comenius, organizzate per loro, in Lingua Inglese, dalla Preside, dai docenti e dagli alunni della scuola turca "ULUS OZEL MUSEVI".
MariaSara è stata ospitata da Ronit, una graziosissima ragazza dai lunghi capelli rossi, che si è sempre distinta nel gruppo per gentilezza ed affabilità. Maria è stata ospitata da Liora, una ragazza dolcissima e cortese, mentre Gaetano è stato ospite di Harun, un ragazzino intelligente e sempre attento, molto più maturo della sua età. Le rispettive famiglie li hanno accolti in casa loro con entusiasmo ed affetto, come nuovi membri di famiglia, "viziandoli" anche con piccoli doni. MariaSara, che festeggiava il suo compleanno il giorno dell'arrivo in Turchia, ha anche trovato ad attenderla una … bella torta, regalo della famiglia!
In un clima di grande allegria e coinvolgimento, i nostri alunni hanno stretto amicizia con tutti i loro coetanei ed, in particolar modo, con i tre ragazzi turchi con cui hanno condiviso la vita quotidiana, le lezioni ed attività scolastiche, le escursioni e visite culturali pomeridiane, previste dalla Scuola ospitante per dar la possibilità a tutti gli studenti e docenti provenienti dall'estero di conoscere la propria immensa città ricca di storia, tradizione, cultura, religioni,"colori" per poterne capire ed apprezzare le molteplici sfaccettature. Indubbiamente un arricchimento notevole!
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