Winner of our cover competition

During the last weeks,students from the different schools have been working, drowing, designing a cover for our calendar.
Here we've got the winner: Semi from Turkey. A wonderful MP5 will be for him.
But his wasn't the only option. Have a look to all these nice projects:
Activities for the second term: January/April 2010
2nd Term: Topic: Family Environment
1 Students have to prepare a +/ 3 minutes Power Point Presentation. They will be displayed during the visit to Istanbul.
*.- Information about school: -Number of students/teachers
-School subjects
*.- Local community/town: -Information about the town/city the school is located in.
- Inhabitants (origin/immigrants/…)
- Industry?
- Geographical and Historical places, especially those related to water.
II Multilingual dictionary: - Students will prepare 10/15 words or expressions about these topics: Greetings – school – family. During the first mobility to Istanbul, students will start working in a multilingual dictionary.
III Family: - Every student will prepare a personal album about their family: Family tree, important dates for the family, celebrations, birthday, Xmas,… (with pictures)
IV Recycling: - Prepare posters about recycling: Things they can do at school, at home,…
- Survey: We have to prepare a questionnaire about the families and their recycling culture: Do they recycle at home? What do they recycle? Paper, glass,… Are there facilities in their towns/cities for recycling?
V Good wishes cards: -Similar to what we did for Xmas, but this time for Easter, Passover (post them before 9th March.
VI 2nd mobility: Santeramo in colle, 17th to 21st May.
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