Welcome Ceremony in ISTANBUL

Our partners in Turkey prepared a nice WELCOME CEREMONY. Students in Ulus Özel Musevi School sang in different languages: English, Turkish, Hebrew, Basque, Italian and Polish.

We want to thank all of them for the work they did learning those songs in our languages

Schools' Presentations


Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Zaraobedigital" Newspaper

Alumnos del Instituto Canciller Ayala de Laudio analizarán el medio ambiente con estudiantes europeos
Martes, 29 de Septiembre de 2009 09:20

- La iniciativa busca perfeccionar el inglés y el conocimiento de otras culturas.- Forma parte del programa "Comenius" subvencionado por la Unión Europea.
Alumnos del Instituto Canciller Ayala de Laudio trabajarán durante varios años con escuelas de diferentes países en un proyecto común sobre el medio ambiente en el que también participan centros educativos de Italia, Gran Bretaña, Polonia, Turquía.Los jóvenes de entre 12 y 14 años, realizarán un trabajo sobre los recursos hidráulicos y las medidas que se toman para preservar el medio ambiente en cada uno de sus municipios.Seis alumnos/as del Canciller Ayala viajarán en febrero a Italia donde se unirán a los jóvenes de los otros países participantes en este proyecto subvencionado por la Unión Europea, que busca perfeccionar el inglés de los jóvenes y el conocimiento de otras culturas.Representantes de los centros educativos de los diferentes países que participan se reunieron ayer en Laudio para perfilar la metodología de trabajo de este programa educativo llamado “Comenius”, y del que José Mari Fernández, del Instituto Canciller Ayala es coordinador europeo.La delegación pasará cinco días en Laudio y ayer fueron recibidos por el alcalde, Jon Karla Menoyo.

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First meeting in the BASQUE COUNTRY September 2009

During the last week of September, 2009, teachers from the different schools that are working together in this Comenius Project, met in Laudio, The Basque Country. We worked hard during 5 days, but there was also time for relaxing and for visiting some nice places, such as the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao, The city of Donostia-San Sebastian and the vineyards of Marques de Riscal in La Rioja Alavesa. Teachers at Canciller Ayala Institute worked hard to prepare this visit. We hope all our guests enjoyed it, at least as much as we did in their company.

Activities for the second term: January/April 2010

2nd Term: Topic: Family Environment

1 Students have to prepare a +/ 3 minutes Power Point Presentation. They will be displayed during the visit to Istanbul.

*.- Information about school: -Number of students/teachers
-School subjects

*.- Local community/town: -Information about the town/city the school is located in.
- Inhabitants (origin/immigrants/…)
- Industry?
- Geographical and Historical places, especially those related to water.

II Multilingual dictionary: - Students will prepare 10/15 words or expressions about these topics: Greetings – school – family. During the first mobility to Istanbul, students will start working in a multilingual dictionary.

III Family: - Every student will prepare a personal album about their family: Family tree, important dates for the family, celebrations, birthday, Xmas,… (with pictures)

IV Recycling: - Prepare posters about recycling: Things they can do at school, at home,…
- Survey: We have to prepare a questionnaire about the families and their recycling culture: Do they recycle at home? What do they recycle? Paper, glass,… Are there facilities in their towns/cities for recycling?

V Good wishes cards: -Similar to what we did for Xmas, but this time for Easter, Passover (post them before 9th March.

VI 2nd mobility: Santeramo in colle, 17th to 21st May.

First Mobility with students to Istanbul. Feb 2010

2nd mobility with students:ITALY (Santeramo in Colle) May 2010

3rd Mobility with students: Poland

4th Mobility with Students. The Basque Country


Results of the survey about Family Recycling Culture